
Blackout 20 – Scaling up

Fine arts

January 13, 2022 | Thursday | 18:00

20th Anniversary Exhibition of the Hungarian Electrographic Society

opens: curators Ágnes Haász, Dénes Ruzsa, Fruzsina Spitzer kurátorok

contributes at the opening: composer Attila Dóra and Jázon Kováts (live elctronic music)

finissage: 23 01 2022


Exhibitiors: Judit Albert, Kristóf Ázbej, Katalin Baán, Magdolna Barti, Bertalan Bálint, Sándor Bátai,

Katalin Biess, Anikó Bodor, András Bohár†, Péter Botos, Evelin Bózsa NL, Tibor Budaházi, Zsuzsanna Büki, Balázs Czeizel, Czető Beaty, Attila Csáji, László Csízy, Árpád Daradics, Vera Dávid, Jenő Detvay, Dávid Drozsnyik, István Drozsnyik, Zsuzsanna Enyedi, Tamás F. Farkas, Adrienn Füleky, Enikő Gábor, Mária Éva Gábor, József Gábos, Nóra Gergely, János Géczi, Olena Golub UKR, Gábor Gyenes SK, Zsolt Gyenes, Ágnes Haász, Ferenc Harangozó, Péter Herendi, Paula Hernádi, István Horkay, Dorina Juhász, József Kádár (Le K’dar), Katalin Kádár, József Kántor, Gyöngyi Károly-Zöld, Péter Kecskés, Csilla Kelecsényi, Antal Kelle Artformer, György Kemény, Eva Kipp NL, Károly Koffán Jr., Attila Koppány, Ágota Krnács, Eszter Láng, Jenő Lévay, Erzsébet Lieber, Endre Lisányi, László Lonovics, Antal D Lux, Éva Mayer, András Mengyán, Csaba Molnár, Krisztián Nagy, Gizella Neuberger, Géza Németh, Gábor Németh-Kassa, György Olajos, László Ország, Antal Örkényi, Márta Paczona, László Papp Pala, Tibor Pataki, Csaba Pál, Ovidiu Petca RO, András Petőcz, Ágnes Péter, Andrea Pézman, Judit Rába, Ferenc Repászki, Dénes Ruzsa, Edit Sándor, Evelin Sós†,

Fruzsina Spitzer, István Stark, Zsanett Szirmay, László Szlaukó, Bálint Szombathy, Enikő Szöllőssy, Mária Tellér, Ter Wal Paul NL, Gábor Andor Tooth /TGA, Tibor Vass, László Sándor Vasvári, Whandal Syporca, Péter Wrobel, Olivia Zséger

The Hungarian Electrographic Society turned 20 in 2021. It was established on August 17, 2011 in Budapest. The foundation took place in the Bartok 32 Gallery with 19 founding member who mostly came from the Shadow Binders alternative artistic group that was active until 1996. Our Society is a civilian, nonprofit, national artistic association, and gathers local artist working with electronic and digital equipment, theoretical professional active in the discipline, art historians, art writers, we represent their interests, and create opportunities for them to display nationally and internationally (Foundind chair, Ágnes Haász).

Our membership is multifold – there are painters, graphic designers, photographers, sculptors and media artists among them, who dedicated parts of their works to electronic imaging. Today we are also joined by Hungarians from abroad in the region and by foreign artist as well. We have 98 members as of today.

Out goals:

– to create an opportunity to display works made with electronic devices

– the presentation and propagation of electrographics

– with our exhibitions, we seek to provide an overwiev and review of the recent developments in electrographics

– to follow the most current trends, the young talents, and prevalent local events