08 07 2021, 7 pm
open until 01 08 2021
The exhibition will be opened by Kristi Karelsohn, Ambassador of the Republic of Estonia to Hungary and Paul Kuimet.
The Tallinn-based Paul Kuimet (b. 1984) makes 16 mm films and photo installations that cover landscapes and architecture to modernist objects and works of art. In his recent work Kuimet has concentrated not so much on the forms of modernist architecture, but the materials (steel and glass) and their relation to the development of global capitalism since the mid-19th century.
In the exhibition the photo series named A Brief History of Scaffolding and the 16mm film Material Aspects (both from 2020) are on display. On the photos one can see scaffoldings placed on construction sites all over the world whose identical structures reflect the standardized forms of globalization. The film deals with the evolution of steel and glass architecture of the modern era: nowadays the originally transparent glasshouses have glinting facades and thus act as opaque facades for the world’s leading institutions.
Showing the works together, the artist draws an abstract parallel between scaffolding and the Crystal Palace – as they are both transparent, light and transient edifices based on a modular frame.
At the opening of the exhibition the artist will also present his recent book, Compositions with Passing Time (2021, Lugemik Publishing).
Echo Gone Wrong: https://echogonewrong.com/if-air-can-be-poured-like-a-liquid-by-paul-kuimet-at-fuga-budapest/