
Night of the Museums

Night of Museums

Saturday, 22nd June 2019 


18.00 Printing techniques workshop

The workshop provides an opportunity to meet three printing masters of very different characters (Erwin Blok, Árpád Szigeti, Tamás Novokrescsenszkov) and to learn about printing techniques.

21.00 Chamber concert by Eszter Krulik (violin) and Márton Komáromi-Nagy (piano) 

Bartók: Andante hegedűre és zongorára ∙ Andante for piano and violin
Bartók: Allegro Barbaro
Mozart: e-moll szonáta zongorára és hegedűre ∙ Sonata in E minor for piano and violin

21.00 Classical music with ease

Concert by KVV Chamber Choir

The many colorful personalities of KVVK (Kayamar Vorti Virgo Chamber Choir) have been unified by their love of music and singing into an energetic, cheerful, and sensitive group over the past ten years. Although the members are amateur singers, Kayamar’s founder and conductor (Viktor Magyaróvári) has molded them into professional performers with a unique repertoire composed mainly of Kayamar’s both moving and funny works.

22.30 Blues concert by Csanád Igali (vocal, piano) and Csaba Pengő (contrabass)

Ticket prices:

Adults: HUF 1900

Children (age 6-18): HUF 800