
Contemporary Slovak Architecture uniting the modern and the organic


Thursday, 26th September 2019 at 18.30

Contemporary Slovak Architecture uniting the modern and the organic

Guest: Jan Stempel

Host: Wesselényi-Garay Andor  architect, scientific associate the Hungarian Academy of Arts’ Research Institute of Art Theory and Methodology

In September 2018, the Hungarian Academy of Arts’ Research Institute of Art Theory and Methodology launched a series of lectures on contemporary architecture titled Haza a mélyben (Nation within), aimed at exploring the works of architects from Hungarian communities across the border. The lecture series sought to determine to what extent architectural practice is defined by a conscious or unconscious attachment to national identity.

Architect Jan Stempel opens the second season of lectures starting in September 2019, which will focuse on the oeuvres of Hungarian architects from Slovakia. The retrospective overview of his professional career provides insights into the environment and context in which his works were created.

Student years at the turn of the 70s and 80s at BUTE in Budapest; Karel Hubáček and Miroslav Masák Island of Creative Freedom at the legendary SIAL studio in the repressive 1980s in Czechoslovakia – Liberec and Prague; the euphoria of the 1990s after the fall of the Iron Curtain in the ADNS office, and an independent career at the beginning of the millennium as a teacher at ČVUT (Czech Technical University) until the creation of the Stempel & Tesař office and his works there.

To register for the lecture, please visit

Upcoming fall lectures: Sebastian Nagy – October 24th; János Krcho – November 28th