November 12, 2021 | Friday | 15.00
Symposium of the Architecture Department of the Hungarian Project Management Alliance
An appreciation from CIB, Conseil International du Bâtiment (the International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction)
Don Ward, Chief Executive, CIB. (Secretary General of the International Council Research and Development in Construction)
The relationship of EMI Quality Controller Innovation Centre in Construction Affairs and CIB
Péter Tóth architectural engineer, ÉMI chief scientific staff member
The teachings of Gyula Sebestyén at the Construction Dept. and today’s education
Zoltán Rostás architectural engineer, BME Architectural Engineering Faculty Construction Technology and Construction Management Depratment
A student’s remembrance of Dr. Gyula Sebestyén
László Wéber architectural engineer
Tribute to Dr. Gyula Sebestyén (system approach in construction)
László Polgár architectural engineer
Project management in construction, after Dr. Gyula Sebestyén
György Horváth architectural engineer, engineer specialist
Close family member, remembrance
Imre Bálint architectural engineer