14 09 2020 Monday 18.30
Jewelry by Janka Kreisz, Veró Lázár and Orsi Padányi
Program by the Art Jewelry Night of Budapest 2020
open until 28 09 2020
Although the three designers exhibit together regularly, they represent three different individuals and three different styles. One of them is a typographer, and two are architects by profession, but all three of them found their fulfillment as goldsmiths. Their motivation and ambition are the same. Their jewelry, while representing different styles, show geometric structure and organic features at the same time. The jewels on display are all brand new works, each a confession, all inspired by a personal experience. Their future owner is invited to add to each their own experience.
Jewellery Juice:
Veró Lázár / vero jewellery design
Orsi Padányi / Osheka Jewellery by Orsi Padanyi
Janka Kreisz / KREISZJANKA